Shinkichi Tajiri Dutch-American, 1923-2009
24 3/4 x 32 5/8 x 13 3/8 inches
In 1948 Tajiri went to Paris to study with sculptor Ossip Zadkine. Here he also took painting classes from Fernand Léger
and studied at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière.
His work centered on abstract forms constructed of iron and plaster. He soon undertook what he called his Junk series,
sculptures of recycled split bronze from rubble heaps around abandoned factories and along the banks of the River Seine that he welded together with wire or brass.
Sabine Weiss made a series of photographs in 1950 of Tajiri's One-Day sculptures along the River Seine.
The estate of the artistExhibitions
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen, Tajiri, 5 Apr 1974Maastricht, The Netherlands, Bonnefantenmuseum, Tajiri, 1 Jun 1974
Venlo, The Netherlands, Museum van Bommel van Dam, Tajiri, 1993
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Museum Het Valkhof, Tajiri, snelheid, erotiek en geweld, 2003
Scheveningen, The Netherlands, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Vaders en Zonen, Beeldhouwers Klezen Beeldhouwers, Jun 2010
New York, USA, Blum & Poe, The Avant-Garde Won't Give Up, Cobra and its Legacy, 9 Sep 2015Los Angeles, USA, Blum & Poe, The Avant-Garde Won't Give Up, Cobra and its Legacy, 5 Nov 2015
Madrid, Spain, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Lost Loose and Loved: Foreign Artists in Paris, 1944-1968, 21 Nov 2018 - 22 Apr 2019, ill. in cat. p. 75
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Rijksmuseum, Commemorating the Jazz Era in the Fifties, 2020
New York, USA, Grey Art Museum, Americans in Paris: Artists Working in Postwar France, 1946-1962, 2 Mar - 20 Jul 2024Literature
Tajiri, 1974, Catalogue for exhibtion at the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen and Bonnefantenmuseum. Mentioned as the
14th of the 108th sculptures in the exhibition
Tajiri, Shinkichi, Autobiographical Notations, 1993, Kempen Publishers, Eindhoven, 1993, ill. p. 94
Vleugels, Marcel. 9, reu d'Odessa, 2001, p. 31
9, rue d’Odessa, De Tajiri Genealogie 168-2001, 2001, Publication Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP, Heerlen, ill. p. 31
Tajiri, snelheid, erotiek en geweld, 2003, Two part oeuvre catalogue, publication Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen. Part 2, ill. p. 133
The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up, Cobra and Its Legacy, 2015, Catalogue, Blum & Poe, New York. ill. p. 55
The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up, Cobra and Its Legacy, 2017, Hard cover published by Blum & Poe and Delmonica Books, Prestel, ill p. 159-160
Stokvis, Willemijn, Cobra - The History of a European Avant-Garde Movement 1948-1951, 2017, p. 195
Lost, Loose and Loved, Foreign Artists in Paris, 1944-1968, 2018, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, ill. p. 75
Gumpert, Lynn, Americans in Paris - Artists working in Postwar France, 1946-1962, 2022, p. 66