Constant Dutch, 1920-2005
20 1/2 x 19 1/8 x 19 1/8 inches
Further images
Collection Fondation ConstantExhibitions
1956, Constant, Bart van der Leck, Piet Mondriaan, André Volten, Dutch Pavillon, XXVIII Venice Biennale, Venice
1959, Constant. Constructies en maquettes/Constant. Constructions and Models, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
1960, Holländische Plastik der Gegenwart, Karmeliterkloster, Frankfurt am Main
1961, Constant • Amsterdam, Städtische Kunstgalerie Bochum (catalogue texts of Peter Leo and Constant)
1965, Constant | Paintings, Constructions and Drawings and New Babylon Constant, Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
1966, Constant from Cobra to New Babylon. Paintings, Gouaches, Constructions and Models, Provinciaal Museum, ’s - Hertogenbosch
1967, Constant | Von Cobra bis New Babylon, Galerie Heseler, München
1998-1999, Retrospective exhibition of Constant’s New Babylon project, Witte de With, Center for contemporary art, Rotterdam
2015, Constant. New Babylon, BorzoGallery, Art Basel, Basel 2015
2015, Constant. Nueva Babilonia / Constant. New Babylon, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
2016, Constant. Space + Color. From Cobra to New Babylon, Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen
2019, Nederland <> Bauhaus - Pioniers van een nieuwe wereld, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Borja-Villel, Manuel, ea., Constant. New Babylon, exh.cat. Madrid (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía) 2015, p. 64 (ill.)
Constant en Trudy van der Horst, C’est notre désir qui fait la révolution. Constant, a monograph, exh.cat. Amsterdam (BorzoGallery) 2015, p. 13 (Observatory)
Haaren, J.W.M. van & Constant Nieuwenhuys, Constant – schilderijen, gouaches, plastieken, maquettes van Cobra naar New Babylon, exh.cat. 's-Hertogenbosch (Noordbrabants Museum) 1966, cat.no. 76
Halem, Ludo van & Marcel Hummelink, Nieuwe aanwinsten. La fleur mécanique. Een constructie van Constant, in Jong Holland, Tijdschrift voor kunst en vormgeving na 1850, no 2/94, pp 42-48, afb. 2
Hammacher, A.M., Constant, Bart van der Leck, Piet Mondriaan, André Volten, exh.cat. Venice (Dutch Pavillon, XXVIII Biennale di Venezia) 1956, pp. 443-446, cat.no. 3Lambert, Jean-Clarence, Constant. New Babylon. Art et Utopie, exh.cat. Paris (Éditions Cercle d'Art) 1997, p. 116 (ill.)
Leo, Peter & Constant Nieuwenhuys, Constant • Amsterdam, exh.cat. Bochum (Städtische Kunstgalerie) 1961, cat.no.
44Nieuwenhuys, Constant, Constant: von Cobra bis New Babylon, exh.cat. München (Galerie Heseler) 1967, cat.no. 45
Weitering, Katja, Ludo van Halem, ea., Constant. Space + Colour. From Cobra to New Babylon, exh.cat. Amstelveen (Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst) 2016, p. 79 (ill.)
Wigley, Mark, Constant's New Babylon. The Hyper-Architecture of Desire, exh.cat. Rotterdam (Witte de With, Center for contemporary art) 1998, p. 23, ill. 1Wijsenbeek, L.J.F., Constant Nieuwenhuys, Jos de Gruyter & Hein van Haaren, Constant. Paintings, gouaches, constructions and drawings and New Babylon, exh.cat The Hague (Haags Gemeentemuseum) 1965 cat.no. 136
Hy Hirsh, Gyromorphosis, 1958, the Netherlands (Space sculptures by Constant), 16 mm film by Hy Hirsh (7’) [Observatory is one of the 'space sculptures' posing in the film]